Friday, November 9, 2012

Life, the Universe, and Everything.

It's been quite a while since I've been able to make a post! The addition of our new Munchkin to the family may have partly contributed to that - Marceline Emilie-Rue arrived on July 29, 2012. And is cute as a button! Or two buttons! Anyway! My oldest Munchkin and I had a pretty interesting conversation tonight.

Lily: *playing Katamari Damacy, and rolling up the Sphinx in the game* Wow, this is a BIG kitty statue. 

Me: Yep. That's called the Sphinx. Kinda like a lion. People built them in the desert, a very long time ago. The desert is very far away from here.

Lily: Oh yeah. I know that's far. So people built it a real long time ago?

Me: Uh-huh. Before any of us were born at all. Thousands and thousands of years ago.

Lily: Like when Gramma and Grampa were born?

Me: Even longer than that. Before any of us were here and born.

Lily: Well, where did we all come from? Like, people. Where did they come from before there was no one on the earth?

Me: You're asking hard questions tonight.

Lily: I know. But what HAPPENED? Did you just appear and then have me?

Me: Not really, babe. Remember when we went to Sunday school, and you learned about -

Lily: Where I went with Abby? (Her favorite cousin) When me and Abby played there?

Me: Yeah, that one. Remember how they taught you about God there, and God making the earth?

Lily: Ohhhhh YEAH! That guy! I remember that.

Me: Okay, well. Some people believe that God made the earth, and all of the people, a really long time ago.

(Husband interjects - 'Some people think we came from monkeys, though!' Lily proceeds to laugh hysterically and then ignore him.)

Lily: Well, who made God then? SOMEone had to make him, 'cause where would he come from?

Me: Hmm. I think God would have always been around. Forever and ever. He was just always there before anything else, since he made everything.

Lily: But I want to know where he CAME from. He had to come from somewhere, right?

Me: I guess it would kind of be like magic. He was just there without anyone having to make him.

Lily: And then he made everyone else like magic?

Me: Sort of, yeah. He made the very first people, and then we came from those people, some people think.

Lily: You know what I think?

Me: Nope. What?

Lily: I think that all of the first people came from God, and they were all robots!! He made these robots, and then the robots started to have babies, and then those babies were my Gramma!!! And then my Gramma had YOU.

Me: So you think Gramma is a robot?

Lily: *slowly grins*

Me: Well, okay. I don't think she's a robot. It's hard to say, though. Can robots have babies?

Lily: I think so. She had you, didn't she?

Me: Fair enough.

Lily: But I really don't want to have any babies. I don't want to grow up at all.

Me: Why not?

Lily: 'Cause! I don't wanna have a baby, like I SAID!

Me: Okay....why not? You don't have to, you know. Only if you want to, when you're older. A long time from now.

Lily: 'Cause it'll HURT. Didn't it hurt?

Me: It does, some. But I'm okay now, aren't I? I had you and your sister, and I love you both very much. And I'm okay now. The doctors take good care of you and give you lots of medicine if you need it. But you really don't have to worry about this right now.

Lily: Well what if I grow up and a baby just comes OUT of me?!

Me: It doesn't happen like that. You find a boy you love very much - someday - and maybe you get married, you love him so much. After that you decide if you want to have babies, and nothing happens until you decide you want to have one. Nothing happens all by itself.

Lily: *ponders this, scowling*

Me: You okay?

Lily: Yeah, I guess. I'll decide later.

*Nearby, sleeping three-month-old Munchkin awakes, wiggling around and making general noises of awakeness*

Lily: Maybe I should ask DrewDad about my hard questions too. I'm real smart. And see what he -

*She stops, eyes widening, and leaps straight up into a standing position, pointing at the baby*

Lily: Marceline just FARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Collapses into hysterical laughter, tear-filled eyes and all. And then runs away*

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