Monday, June 4, 2012

Dragonball Logic.

(As passed on to me by The Husband - though I did witness this myself, too, and laughed hysterically throughout.) 

Today after a little tirade about wanting to put all of our quarters in her bank and keep them, I told Lily that we had to save them for laundry and I needed them. She then proceeds to go get her stuffed green dragon and threw all of her change on the ground in front of it, and acted out a scene from Dragonball.

Lily: "Dragon, I gathered all of the dragon balls, and I'm ready to make a wish!"

Lily as dragon: "I'm awake little girl, what is your wish?"

Lily: "I wish for all of the quarters in the world!"

Lily then proceeds to stuff the dragon's mouth full of change and drop it on the ground in front of her.

Lily as dragon: "Your wish has been granted little girl, I'm going to sleep for one year now."

Me: "Don't the dragon balls have to scatter now?"........"Wait NOOOOOO!"

Lily as she throws change all over the house: "SCATTER! SCATTER! SCATTER!"

Learned my lesson.

Friday, June 1, 2012


(Sitting at the computer, working on my online history class, I hear this exchange from a few feet down the hall.)

Unknown source:  BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!  *giggle*

Lily:  (clearly exasperated) Seriously, Drew?  In my room?

(Long pause while The Husband continues to giggle at his bodily functions.)

Lily: (SIGHS) You should have just feeled it and gone out into the hallway!  (More irritated sighing as she stomps out to the living room and sits with me in silence.)

....Seriously, Drew?  In her room?